projectbanner Tharwani Arianaprojectbanner Tharwani Ariana
project overview Tharwani Ariana

A New Era

Its not just a home, it's a kingdom of your desires

Ariana is a new era of lavishing livings.Greenery, pleasent atmospherter apprise that the earth just transformed into paradise. Ariana is a place where style, elegance and grandeur are the hallmarks. Lifestyle in Ariana will surge to new heights. Ariana has come like a spurt to change the meaning of "lifestyle" into "Royal lifestyle".

Tharwani Ariana enjoys one of the most important advantages every home seeker looks for A Great Location. Situated in one of the premier locations of kalyan Thane, the complex has quiet and peaceful environs to go woth it, Proximity to Markets, Schools, Colleges, Banks and Hospitals adds to the advantage!

  • location1, 2 & 3 BHK Apartments
  • locationAmbernath West
  • locationOngoing

Key Features

Configuration & Floor Plan



Location Advantage

    Rera Disclaimer:

    Phase II-P51700006127 Phase III-P51700006728 Phase IV-P51700007834

    Tharwani Ariana qrcode

    Tharwani Ariana Phase - II

    Tharwani Ariana qrcode

    Tharwani Ariana Phase - III

    Tharwani Ariana qrcode

    Tharwani Ariana Phase - IV

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